Tag Archives: identity

Filter the generative horde with hard cryptography

Hannah Wiggins wrote The Piece (née “Shall Be Delivered”) on how asymmetric cryptography distinguishes humans from the mob, strong recommend even a decade after publication[1]Goodness gracious, has it really been a decade? The world has changed such, we’ve all lost so much and learned so much. Can it be that Trilema is truly off the public net for good? From … Continue reading. All the more disappointing then, that Maggie Appleton doesn’t even mention it in her piece on how surprisingly adequate GPT and friends have grown at imitating the output of your typical human. tl;dr Maggie, if you’re reading text that wasn’t published by an individual who publishes a GPG key you got from some channel you trust, you are axiomatically unable to distinguish them from internet noise. Go, read! Wiggins’ “Shall Be Delivered” still chills and inspires me.

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1Goodness gracious, has it really been a decade? The world has changed such, we’ve all lost so much and learned so much. Can it be that Trilema is truly off the public net for good? From intellectual poverty came, and to intellectual poverty apparently we must all return