Tag Archives: Olympic rings

Basic Olympic Rings Routine

3 circuits. Sets of 5. 2:30 between sets.


A day:

  • mountain climbers (knee to outside elbow, between arms, cross to opposite elbow. repeat on other knee. that’s one rep)
  • push ups
  • leg lifts above the rings (from standing, arms fully extended and gripping the rings from above, raise both knees to chest. progress to fully extended legs. progress to l-sit hold)
  • dips (progress to dips with knees held at 90deg to body, progress to full l-sit dips)

B day:

  • pull ups (progress to muscle-up)
  • leg lifts below the rings
  • chin ups
  • v push ups (legs close to hands, arms fully extended into a V, bring head to ground and then push up to full arm extension)

This is about 30 minutes, and gets the majorly important areas. Stretch before and after, consume protein after.

Get strong, fam!